No Subsitute for Green Foods

There is no substitute for green foods in our diet.  A large vegetable salad every day is one of the best things we can do for ourselves.  As a preventive of disease, it is far superior to all the vaccines and serums ever devised to keep you healthy.  It is important that we eat them every day.  The green leaves of plants are our richest sources of organic minerals and they are rich sources of vitamins.  They also offer small quantities of the highest grade proteins as well as chlorophyll. Chlorophyll gives us the most protection against carcinogens and debilitating diseases. Chlorophyll promotes elimination of toxins from the body. It helps to strengthen cells and the immune system. Collard greens are extremely high in calcium. Green Foods pack more nutritional punch per ounce than any other foods on the planet. Some green foods include spinach, kale, chard, turnip greens, beet greens, cabbage, broccoli, okra, green beans, fresh peas, asparagus, collards, lettuce, celery, Chinese cabbage, Bok choy, etc.  All of these vegetables are good in their raw state.  A salad doesn't have to be a lot of work.  You can just pile the veggies on your plate with out doing much cutting at all.  Serve big lettuce leaves, stalks of celery and a cucumber sliced.  All you really need is 3 or 4 different items for your beautiful creation. 

It is also very important that children have a daily salad.  With the salad you can add a steamed vegetable as well.
Besides green vegetables, I add green smoothies to our diet (made from green barley grass, frozen bananas & parsley).
There is no substitute for green foods in our diet, so be sure to include them every day-your good health depends on it!

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